Summit Players Theatre
"Amelia Strahan’s costuming conjures. the basic iconography of an ancient political drama to the stage without over-encumbering the actors with a lot of unnecessary details."
Shepherd Express / Summit Players’ Brisk Burst of ‘Macbeth’

Next Act Theatre
"Amelia Strahan’s costume design feels like it’s taking some liberties with 16th century dress while being firmly rooted in the era in a way that decorates [the scenic design] wonderfully."
Shepherd Express / Next Act Puts Shakespeare in Lockdown

Last white maN
Next Act theatre
“…spot on costumes by Amelia Strahan.”
Theatre Criticism / World Premiere Puts a Different Spin on ‘Hamlet’

The Winter’s Tale
Summit Players Theatre
“The Amelia Strahan-designed costumes for the touring production are light and memorable.”
The Shepherd Express / The Winter’s Tale in Summer